Kitten appears in backyard, returns to family for help

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A tuxedo kitten wandered into the backyard, but quickly ran away. When it returned, it went straight to its family for help.

Flatbush’s cat.


In early September, Lindsay from Brooklyn, New York, found a lonely kitten in her backyard. The kitten was very timid and immediately ran away when Lindsay tried to approach it. A few days later, the kitten reappeared, but this time it didn’t leave. Lindsay scooped it up and put it inside.

The kitten was covered in fleas and only had bones and skin. A few hours later, the kitten had a full stomach and immediately became close to us,” Lindsay told Love Meow.

The kitten needed treatment and help, so they contacted Flatbush Cats, a TNR (trap, neuter and release) rescue in Brooklyn. They came and picked it up and gave it a new life.”

Flatbush Cats.

Rescuers from Flatbush Cats gave the kitten a bath. The water was stained red with flea feces.

Will from Flatbush Cats says: “When rescuing kittens under eight weeks old, they need to be given a bath with Dawn detergent and a flea comb.

Flatbush Cats.

Amelia volunteered to foster the kitten so the little tuxedo could start his new VIP life in a cozy place. The kitten was named Pepper. She is safe, clean, comfortable and flea-free. She will never be alone or hungry again and will be filled with love for the rest of her life.”

Pepper’s Rescue Journey

Pepper quickly adapted to indoor living. As she grew older, her blue eyes gradually changed color and she took big steps toward confidence.

Once timid, Pepper is now a loving cat, always seeking attention and cuddles.

Flatbush cat

A few weeks later, Pepper found her forever home and a new cat sibling.

Pepper was officially adopted in mid-October and followed our normal introduction process. Will says, “Brewski (big brother) is thrilled to have a new sister and is taking great care of Pepper. Her new mom spoiled them both with lots of love, toys and treats.

Flatbush cat

Little Tuxedo Girl has been running around the house.

She loves her new life and can’t stop cuddling.

Flatbush Cat.

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