Smash the kitten has found his perfect family!

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This kitten was born with an adorable flat face!

At about ten days old, it was found on the side of the road barely clinging to life.


He was taken to a nearby veterinary college, where Lindsay, a student there, knew he needed constant care and brought him home.

The poor little thing wasn’t eating and Lindsay had to feed it every four hours with a syringe.

This kitten had a chance to live.

It was soon discovered that she had a cleft palate and congenital deformities.

Her mother was unable to provide proper care, which is probably why she was abandoned.

She also suffered from upper respiratory infections and severe ringworm.

However, she was a fighter and with Lindsay’s loving care, her strength grew into Daly.

After a month with Lindsay, Daley returned to her foster family Laura’s home.

When it came time to need foster care, a loving couple who had been following Daley’s progress on social media thought Daley would be the newest addition to their family.

Now known as ‘Smash’, Smash is a fighter and loves her new life in her new home with two adorable humans, three dogs, three cats and a hedgehog!

Smash loves all of her siblings, especially a greyhound named Candy, who she often sleeps with.

She’s certainly a big pain in the ass and often a challenge, but we couldn’t live without her.

She has a little black spot on her neck that we call the “Devil’s Kiss”.

By all accounts, she’s the most active one in the house.

You can see Smash and her family on Instagram and Facebook.

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