Why does my cat want attention? Top Ten Reasons

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Kitten cuddles are great. But sometimes a cat demands too much of your attention. If it happens once in a while, no problem. But if your cat regularly seeks your attention, especially if this is a new behavior, it means the cat has a problem.

A brief overview


01 If your cat suddenly becomes obsessive when it was not before, there may be a medical or behavioral problem.

02 It is important to determine whether the cat is begging for food or attention.

03 If your cat has a noticeable increase in appetite or a significant change in personality, consult your veterinarian.

This article explains why cats suddenly want to be left alone with their owners and how owners can respond.

Why does a cat want to be left alone?

The desire for attention can be related to many things, such as begging for food or wanting to interact with you.

There are a variety of reasons why cats choose to be more persistent when seeking your attention. These reasons can be categorized into whether the cat is begging for food or attention.

This list is not all-inclusive, but it does cover the most common reasons cats are desperate for attention.

Begging for food

Excessive food begging may signal a medical or behavioral problem.

Some cats are born with a voracious appetite, but if your cat starts begging for food or treats frequently or suddenly develops a voracious appetite, it could be a sign of a problem. Examples include.

1. food competition in multi-cat households

When multiple cats live together, they can sometimes become resource watchdogs.

When multiple cats live together, resource guardians can become a subtle but important means of cat fights and assertion of dominance. Even if there is no obvious aggressive behavior or disagreement between cats, they may feel uncomfortable giving food to the less dominant cat.

This is especially true when cats share food bowls or when all food bowls are in the same place in the house. Resource defense can also occur when cats are with siblings. In general, n+1 resources should be provided for everything in the house (n is the number of cats you have). For example, three cats require four food bowls, four litter trays, etc.

These resources should not be lumped together, but distributed throughout the house. That way, everyone can get what they need without hassle.

2. Hyperthyroidism

Sudden cravings for food may indicate that the cat is suffering from a disease such as hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism, also called “thyrotoxicosis,” is a common disease in adult cats, usually seen in middle-aged and older cats. It is caused by excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are essential for maintaining a normal basal metabolic rate (the number of calories a cat’s body burns at rest).

Excess thyroid hormones increase energy expenditure. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include increased appetite, weight loss, and dry mouth. Cats with hyperthyroidism may also exhibit hyperactivity, increased voice, and aggression. The cat’s fur may appear disheveled.

If you suspect your cat is exhibiting any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will explain the diagnostic procedure and possible treatments.

3. Parasites

Parasitic infections can cause cats to be hungry all the time.

Cats can be infected with a variety of parasites, including The presence of parasites in the digestive tract reduces a cat’s caloric intake and ability to absorb nutrients.

This may result in increased appetite and weight loss. Parasites are common in kittens, but can occur in cats of any age. If your cat is not regularly treated for parasites, consider consulting your veterinarian, especially if your cat becomes lethargic.

4. Diabetes

One of the symptoms of diabetes is an increased appetite.

Like humans, cats can also suffer from diabetes. In cats, the most common form of diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar. Overweight and obesity are risk factors for diabetes in cats.

Symptoms include increased appetite, thirst, and weight loss. If left undiagnosed, diabetes can be life-threatening, so consult your veterinarian without delay if you notice any of these signs.

5. inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a complex and poorly understood disease that primarily causes inflammation of the intestinal wall. Its exact cause is not fully understood by human medicine, but it is thought to be a combination of autoimmune problems, genetics, food intolerance, and abnormal intestinal bacteria. In cats, it causes diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.

They may also show signs of increased appetite. If your cat is suspected of having IBD, your veterinarian will advise you on the steps needed to diagnose and treat the condition.

6. exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Weight loss, fecal changes, and increased appetite are all signs of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

The pancreas is an organ adjacent to the intestine that produces digestive enzymes that help break down food in cats. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is the inability of the pancreas to produce these enzymes, resulting in indigestion.

Symptoms include weight loss, fecal changes, and increased appetite. If you notice any of these signs, consult your veterinarian.

Behavioral changes

Some cats are particularly attached to their owners. However, if a cat suddenly starts to want to be left alone, there may be a problem. If you notice a sudden change in your cat’s behavior, we recommend that you see your veterinarian.

There are many reasons why a cat’s behavior may change. For example

7. boredom

Boredom is a common problem in indoor cats.

The cat may be actively trying to get your attention because it is bored. For purely indoor cats, lack of mental stimulation can be a major problem.

If your cat shows signs of frustration, such as craving your attention, scratching, or even sudden biting, consider how you can incorporate more active play into its daily routine.

Puzzle feeders and interactive toys can help open your cat’s mind. If your budget is limited, you can even make your own.

These cat toys allow cats to work for their food, bringing them closer to a wild cat’s diet.

8. pain

A cat in pain may seem obsessive or frustrated, but it is simply trying to tell you what is wrong.

A cat in pain may appear clingy or needy, but they are just trying to tell you what is wrong.

A cat’s pain or discomfort behavior can take many forms, including hiding, unusual growling or aggression (the cat hisses or scratches), or seeking attention or affection. When a cat is in pain, it is not often obvious that it is in distress.

It can be difficult to know if your cat is in pain. Arthritis, for example, can present subtle symptoms in cats.

Therefore, if you notice something wrong with your cat at home, the first step is to see a veterinarian. He or she may recommend blood tests, x-rays, and other imaging tests.

9. Stress and Anxiety

When cats are stressed, fearful, or anxious, they often exhibit attention-seeking behaviors.

Cats exhibit stress and anxiety behaviors in many forms, but becoming more clingy and trying to get attention is one of them. A change in urinating behavior or no longer using the litter tray are also common signs.

Sometimes the simplest things can cause stress in cats, such as a new cat in the neighborhood or renovations to the house. There are a variety of excellent ways to deal with stress and anxiety.

Some cats may require medication or the help of a qualified behavioral therapist. However, it is always best to work with your veterinarian to rule out medical problems before assuming that your cat is suffering from a behavioral problem.

10. Neurological Disease

Neurological disease can cause cats to exhibit odd behaviors, such as intense interest seeking.

Neurological disorders are diseases that affect the brain and nerves. Symptoms of brain disorders can range from subtle behavioral changes to disorientation and seizures. Causes of brain disorders range from infections to cancer.

As a result, treatment options and prognosis vary widely. Increased demands for affection are a rare symptom of brain injury, but unfortunately, they can still occur. If your cat is acting strangely, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

What if my cat needs more attention?

Always consult your veterinarian if you notice any significant changes in your cat’s behavior.

If you notice any unusual behavior in your cat, there is no harm in consulting your local veterinarian. Your vet will work with you to rule out medical problems and, if necessary, refer you to a qualified behavioral therapist.

Some cats may demand more attention from their owners during certain periods of time, this is nothing to worry about, but if you are concerned, see your vet.


If your vet has given your cat a shot, give it extra attention and play with it to relieve potential boredom.

In most cases, if your cat occasionally becomes more clingy or attention-seeking, don’t worry. However, if your cat’s appetite increases significantly or his personality suddenly changes drastically, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your local veterinarian.

That way, you can be sure that there is nothing medically or behaviorally wrong with your cat, and you can enjoy extra snuggles with peace of mind!

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